모바일 메뉴 닫기


Visa and Sojourn

Alien Registration Cards (ARC) Extension


Students who desire to extend their sojourn period in Korea must apply for a visa extension before the ARC expiration date.



Required Documents


1. Application of Permission for Extension of Stay (신청서) [Form Download]

2. Passport (여권) & Alien Registration Card (외국인등록증)
3. Confirmation of the Thesis/Dissertation Advisor (지도교수 및 유학담당자 확인서) [Form Download]
4. Certificate of Attendance (재학증명서) & Transcript (성적증명서)
5. Certificate of Completion (수료증명서) - Please contact the GIT Office to issue (gitoffice@yonsei.ac.kr)
6. (only those who receive scholarships from the school) Certificate of Scholarship (장학금수혜증명서) - Please contact the GIT Office to issue (gitoffice@yonsei.ac.kr)
7. Bank Statement (재정입증서류) - certificate of deposit balance (잔고증명서) & 6 months of bank transaction history (6개월간 통장거래내역서) (please visit the bank)
  e.g. for a 6-month extension, the applicant shall prove at least 2,250,000 KRW in the bank account. (based on the criteria of thesis writing students / subject to change)
8. Certificate of Residence (체류지입증서류)
  8-a. (for dormitory residents) Yonsei Portal > Academic Management System > Academic Information > Dormitory > Certificate of Residence > Select 'semester'
  8-b. (for those who live outside the campus) Contact the house owner or host and fill out the Confirmation of Residence/Accommodation [Form Download]
9. Application Fee (수수료) - 60,000 KRW
  ※ You MUST make an appointment with the immigration office before your ARC expires.
  ※ Application for a visa extension is available four months ahead of its expiration date.
  ※ If the visa expires without making an extension, the student shall pay the penalty according to Article 25 of the Immigration Act.


How to Apply for Extension of Stay in Korea (Visit)


[Access the HIKOREA WEBSITE] > Petition Application > Reserve Visit > check "I have read and understood the information above" and click "Visit Reservation Application" (either member or non-member applicable)



How to Apply for Extension of Stay in Korea (Online Application)


[Access the HIKOREA WEBSITE] > Petition Application > e-Application > Extension of stay for registered foreigners > check "I Agree" and click "Next"