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Submission of Drafts for Preliminary Thesis Defense and Examination Schedule for the 2024-2 Semester
게시글 내용

Submission of Drafts for Preliminary Thesis Defense and Examination Schedule for the 2024-2 Semester

  1. 1. Submission and Examination Schedule
  • - Preliminary Defense Draft Submission Period: Monday, September 23, 2024, 9:00 AM ~ Friday, September 27, 2024, 5:00 PM / Submit to the GIT Office
    ※ Only those who submit a draft for thesis evaluation will be reviewed. If the draft is not submitted within the specified period, the examination cannot be conducted.
  • - Preliminary Defense: Monday, October 21, 2024 ~ Friday, October 25, 2024 (Schedule varies by major)
  • - Final Defense Draft Submission Period: Monday, November 18, 2024 ~ Wednesday, November 20, 2024
  • - Final Defense: Monday, December 16, 2024 ~ Friday, December 20, 2024 (Schedule varies by major)

  1. 2. Submission Documents (Must be submitted for both preliminary and final defenses)
    a. List of Examination Committee Members: After discussion with the advisor, the student must enter and submit this in the portal by Friday, September 13, and request approval from the advisor.

  2. b. Thesis Plagiarism Check Report: 4 copies for Master's / 6 copies for Doctoral (to be submitted to the examination committee and the Administrative Office)
    ※ The Thesis Plagiarism Check Report must be prepared according to the notice: "Notice of Mandatory Plagiarism Checks for Graduate School Theses at the United Graduate School of Theology" (Effective from the 2024-1 semester)
    Click here to view the notice 

  3. c. Preliminary Bound Copy: 3 copies for Master's / 5 copies for Doctoral (For submission to the examination committee)

  4. d. Copy of the Cover Page of the Preliminary Bound Copy: 1 copy for the Administrative Office

  5. e. Journal Publication Materials: Applicable only to Doctoral students; must be submitted once during either the preliminary or final defense submission, with the advisor's signature on the cover page.
    ※ The draft and the Thesis Plagiarism Check Report should be submitted to the Administrative Office for verification, after which the student must directly deliver them to each examination committee member (at least 1-2 weeks before the examination date).

*Important: For Doctoral students, the final defense can only proceed if the Journal Publication Materials (evidence of publication in a journal registered with the Korea Research Foundation or a candidate journal, or proof of publication of a professional academic book co-authored by no more than two people, or a professionally translated book co-translated by no more than two people) are submitted. This requirement is applicable to students admitted in the Spring semester of 2023 or later.

2024-2학기 학위논문 예비심사 원고제출 및 심사일정 안내

1. 제출 및 심사 일정
  - 예비심사 원고 제출기간: 2024. 9. 23.(월) 9:00 ~ 9. 27.(금) 17:00  / GIT 행정실에 제출
  ※논문심사용 원고 제출자에 한하여 심사가 진행되며, 해당 기한 내 미제출시 심사가 불가합니다.
  - 예비심사 : 2024. 10. 21.(월) ~ 10. 25.(금)(전공별 일정 상이)
  - 본심사 원고 제출기간  : 2024. 11. 18.(월) ~ 11. 20.(수)
  - 본심사 : 2024. 12. 16.(월) ~ 12. 20.(금)(전공별 일정 상이)

2. 제출서류 (예비심사/본심사 시 각각 제출해야 함)

  가. 심사위원 명부(지도교수와 논의 후 9월 13일(금)까지 학사포탈에 해당 원생이 직접 입력하여 제출, 지도교수 승인요청 연락하기)

  나. 학위논문 표절 검사 결과확인서[석사 총 4부/박사 총 6부(심사위원 및 행정팀 제출용)]

       *** 학위논문 표절 검사 결과확인서는 다음의 공지사항을 반드시 참고하여 준비할 것(연합신학대학원 학위논문 표절검사 의무 시행 안내(2024-1학기부터 적용))

  다. 가제본 원고(심사위원 제출용, 석사 3부/박사 5부)

  라. 가제본 원고 앞표지 복사본(행정팀 보관용 1부)

  마. 학술지 게재 자료(박사과정생만 해당, 예비심사 혹은 본심사 접수 시 1회 제출, 표지에 지도교수 서명 필수)

       *** 원고 및 학위논문 표절 검사 결과확인서는 행정팀 확인 후 원생이 각 심사위원께 직접 전달(심사일 최소 1~2주 전)

※ 박사과정의 경우 학술지 게재 자료(한국연구재단 등재지 및 등재후보지에 논문을 게재하거나 공저 2인 이하의 전문학술서, 

혹은 공역 2인 이하의 전문번역서를 출판한 증빙자료)를 제출해야 본심사 진행 가능(2023년 전기 입학생부터 적용)