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[Graduation] How To Rent (or Order) a Graduation Gown
게시글 내용

How to Rent a Graduation Gown (for Th.M. Students)

A. Gown Rentall Fee Payment: TBA (please check this page again after February 17th)
    (The bill will be appeared on Yonsei Portal. Credit Card is NOT available)
- How to pay: http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr -> login -> Academic information -> Academic information management -> Academic records -> 학위가운대여 Borrowing Gown (laundry-keeping fee payment) -> check the individual virtual account number -> Make a payment
* Borrowing Gown is only available if you submit your ID card and receipt of laundry and keeping fee payment.

B. Gown Pick Up: TBA, available for three days before and after graduation day
 -  Location: UGST Office (Underwood Theology Hall, Room 113)
* Please submit your ID card and receipt of laundry and keeping fee payment to receive your gown.

C. Gown Return: after the graduation ceremony ends (by the very day)
* If you do not return gowns, the degree certificate will NOT be provided.

How to Prepare Graduation Gown (for Doctoral Students)

Doctoral graduates should prepare their own graduation gown, cap and hood by themselves.

Rental or purchase shop: Chun-chu Co.(춘추사)

A. Location: 50m from the main gate of Ehwa Women's Univ. (10 Ewhayeodae 8-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul / 서울 서대문구 이화여대8길 10)

B. contact: http://www.chunchoo.com/eng/, 02-312-6661 (ENGLISH ORDER AVAILABLE)

C. Price

[For Rental] -- 100,000 KRW, rentable for maximum 3 days (you can pick it up at the day before graduation ceremony and return on the next day of graduation. No prior rental available)

[For Purchase] -- 370,000 KRW (polyester 100%), 500,000 KRW (polyester 50%, wool 50&), 600,000 KRW (wool 100%)

D. How to Order ***

- Visit the tailor's shop or call at the number above (English available)

- Or send an e-mail to chunchusa@gmail.com including your personal information (name, school, degree, graduation date, order/rental, contact number)

- Online order (free delivery): please fill out the online form at: http://www.chunchoo.com/eng/ > Click [Online Order] and put your personal information and detail size.

* When you writing the form, please put the following information for the tailor's reference.

 -- Products: choose one and write: polyester 100% / polyester 50% and wool 50% / wool 50%

 -- Etc: please put your option [order]or [rental]

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