- Title
- [장학] Samsung Dream Scholarship Application for 2023-Spring semester
- Date
- 2022.11.21
- Writer
- 일반대학원
- 게시글 내용
Please submit the application document to the Office of Academic Affairs or by e-mail listed below.
(Stimson Hall 2F, 02-2123-3234, miso.na@yonsei.ac.kr)
1. Eligibility
A. Students who are from a developing country. A developing country means a recipient country from the list of DAC
(Development Assistance Committee)
B. Students experiencing financial difficulties for study
C. Students who have proven academic excellence including language proficiency
(At least TOPIK Level 2 required for all applicants)
D. Students who are willing to join volunteer activities and social contribution.
E. Students who have a high probability of returning to their home country and supporting its development
F. However, overseas Koreans from developing countries on the DAC list are excluded from the selection process.
2. Scholarship information: KW 3,500,000 or KW 5,000,000 per semester
3. Scholarship Period: 1) Master course: Max 4 academic semesters
2) Doctoral course: Max 6 academic semesters
※ Extra semesters are not supported.
4. Application document: You can choose either Korean or English version.
5. Application Deadline : 2023. 1. 6(FRI), 17:006. It is not possible to apply directly to the Samsung foundation, and only documents submitted through the graduate
school will be considered.
7. Please check the attached documents