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[Student Life] How to Apply for NHIS Automatic Transfer or Electronic Notice(E-Bill)
게시글 내용

How to apply for an Automatic Transfer or Electronic Notice

- Eligibility: those who are subscribed in NHIS
- Type of Automatic Transfer: Account Transfer or Credit Card (-200 won discounted)
- Type of Electronic Notice(E-Bill): E-mail Notification (-200 won discounted) or mobile text notification
- How to Apply: by visit the NHIS center; call to NHIS customer center (033-811-2000, English, Chinese, Vietnamese available); or fax to NHIS foreign center

* If you have recently moved to the dormitory, you must report the changed address directly to the immigration office.
* If you want to see where the nearest NHIS center is located or contact details of NHIS centers, please feel free to contact us.

* If you wish to automatic transfer service, please refer to the attached form and send it to the NHIS e-mail.  

   - Email : 0100390@nhis.or.kr

TEL. 1577-1000
- Dial 7 for information on foreign languages

Tel. 033-811-2000
-Service in foreign languages(English, Chinese, Vietnamese and available)
 ※ Service Hours: 9:00am~6:00pm on weekdays

<Guidelines for Application for Automatic Transfer and Electronic Notification of Health Insurance for Foreign Students>

1. Automatic transfer application and precautions

Application method
- (Application qualification) The owner of the account or credit card directly applies (if it is to be paid by someone else, that person must apply)
- (Application Channel) Customer Center*, Mobile (The 건강보험), Fax, Visiting (Branch and NHIS center for foreign residents)
* (English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek) ☎ 033-811-2000, (Korean) ☎ 1577-1000
- (Application period) Automatic transfer withdrawal only for cases received two days before the payment deadline (25 days)
※ Payment deadline, withdrawal date, application period, etc. shall be calculated excluding holidays.
… Closed the next day on public holidays

★ Non-face-to-face application method
※ Need a mobile phone or bank account that can be authenticated… Possible if opened with alien registration number

1) Mobile App (The 건강보험)
- (Application path) 민원여기요 → 신청납부 → 자동이체/신청해지
- (Application Procedures)
① Log in through simple authentication or joint/financial certificates
② Consent to collect personal information
③ Click ‘본인자동이체 신청’
④ Enter your account, card information, mobile phone, etc. and apply after agreeing to the automatic transfer terms and conditions
※ Please check the detailed terms and conditions.

2) Home page (www.nhis.or.kr)
- (Application route) 민원여기요 → 개인민원 → 보험료납부 → 자동이체/신청해지
- (Application Procedures) Same as MobileApp procedures

@ Points to Note
- Payment is not possible through the corporate business operator's account or card.
- If you pay in full by automatic transfer on the payment deadline, the following month's contribution will be reduced by 200 won.
- If you pay through automatic card transfer, additional card fees will be paid. … Credit card: 0.8% and debit card: 0.5%
- If payment is not withdrawn on the payment deadline, it may be terminated ex officio after one request (the 10th of the following month).… Transfer will include late payment when re-drawing on the 10th, and withdrawal will happen on the next day if withdrawal date is a holiday
- Automatic transfer will be charged with reference data 2 days before the withdrawal date, and the payment details will be reflected 2 days after the withdrawal date.
- If you open an account or card with your passport number, you must also enter your passport number.
- If you register a refund account, you can conveniently receive a refunds due to overpayment of insurance contribution.

2. Application for electronic notification and delivery notice and precautions

@ Application method
- (Application qualification) Person liable for payment
- (Application Channel) Customer Center*, Mobile (The 건강보험), Fax, Visit (Branch and NHIS center for foreign residents)
* (English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek) ☎ 033-811-2000, (Korean) ☎ 1577-1000
- (Application period) Electronic notices are sent only for applications received before the 5th of each month… Subsequent applications will be applied in the following month.

★ Non-face-to-face application method (electronic notice)
※ Need a cell phone that can be used to prove your identity… Possible if opened with alien registration number

1) Mobile App (The 건강보험)
- (Application route) 민원여기요 → 신청납부 → 이메일/모바일 고지서 신청
- (Application Procedures)
① Log in through simple authentication or joint/financial certificates
② Accept the terms and conditions of applying for e-mail/mobile notice (check all terms and conditions
③ Apply after entering application information on the email/mobile notice application screen
2) Home page (www.nhis.or.kr)
- (Application route) 민원여기요 → 개인민원 → 보험료 고지서 → 이메일/모바일 고지서 신청
- (Application Procedures)
① Log in through simple authentication or joint/financial certificates
② Accept the terms and conditions of applying for email/mobile notices
③ Apply after entering email/mobile notice application information (certification number authentication)

★ Non-face-to-face application method (change of delivery address)
○ Mobile App (The Health Insurance)
- (Application route) 민원여기요 → 신청납부 → 고지서 송달지 변경 신청
- (Application Procedures)
① Log in through simple authentication or joint/financial certificates
② Consent to collect and use personal information
③ Confirmation of receipt of application for change of address of notice
④ Application on the Change of Place of Delivery screen

@ Points to Note
- Please fill out the application form in Korean.
- (Insurance fee reduction) Only applications for e-mail notification will be reduced by 200 won.
… Registration after the application period is reduced from the following month


Guide to the collection system of NHIS.pdf Sample of NHIS Invoice.pdf [NHIS] Application Form for Automatic Transfer Service.pdf Sample of NHIS Automatic Transfer Service.pdf [NHIS] Electronic Notice application form.pdf Sample of NHIS Electronic Notice application Example.pdf